What to Know About the Top Data Storage Vendors There are many data storage vendors out there, but they all are not created equal even when they offer seemingly similar things on the surface. Here are some data storage vendors to learn about. You probably already know Hewlett Packard for it’s ink (or have some in yor home or business right now), but the company is also one to watch for data storage vendors. HP holds a top spot in the server sales area, making up a quarter of all of them and holding down a corner of the industry. There is less hardware storage than ever these days, and more in the online servers, which is what HP has gotten right about the progression of the industry. Microsoft is another company that still has a major foot in the industry even through they’re not quite as big as they used to be in some ways. Being trustworthy means that Microsoft has no problem attracting customers over time, and they will probably continue to increase their data storage options just to grow even more.
Getting Down To Basics with Storage
Amazon is one data storage vendor that’s a bit unexpected since they’re an online retailer, but they have been increasing their options making it a pretty good one stop option for everything that you might need on their site. Amazon offers great prices on storage but they sort of have to to capture the market that they’re going for as they make their name known in the industry.
Getting Down To Basics with Storage
Nutanix is another new name in the game after going public last year. While it was waiting to go public it was working on building its storage cababilities and offers a lot of cloud storage. NetApp is one of the bigger data storage vendors out there, but they’ve been laying some people off recently which means they might be doing some restructuring if not making all around size changes to the way they’re running the company. Watch out for NetApp but do know that someone might come and buy it. IBM is big on flash which works for some people might doesn’t cover everyone’s needs. It’s hard to know which direction they’re headed in at the moment. With IBM you just never know what it is that they will come up with, it could be a slight variation to the way that they do things or it could be a huge restructuring that seems to come out of left field. Either way they are highly trusted since they’ve been around for so long in the world of computers. The truth is that there are tons of data storage vendors out there, and choosing the right one is going to depend on a lot of different factors depending on the needs of the person or company who’s looking. Whether you have a great idea of what you need out of a data storage vendor or not at all, there are plenty of options out there to test out and determine what it is that you really need.