Before you start raising a dog, you need to know some things first if you have never done such a job before. If you are going to raise a puppy, in all situations, you should act like a mother to it. Even if the mother of the puppy is the first leader, you become the next leader after you have taken it away from the mother. You should give the puppy some warm milk and a bed when you chose to raise it in your home. You should comfort the puppy by bringing it close to you if it produces some noise during the night. You should not allow your kids to overplay the puppies because they need to rest also.
Feeding the puppies should be done on regular basis by those who choose to raise them. The puppy should be fed more than three times a day if it is young. In the diet of a dog, you should not forget to include meat if you want to grow healthy. Cereals, milk, dog meals, some fats, eggs, clear soup, and cooked vegetables should also be included in their food apart from meat. The best bone that does not hurt dogs is the one that does not flitter. You should not feed your dog with dark soups and stews if you would like it not to vomit or lose appetite.
A clean and a warm shelter is the one you should provide to your dog especially if it is a puppy. You should spread some newspaper around the bed if the floor is made of tiles or flooring that gets cold during the night. Everyday, when the sun rises, you should take your dog out of the shelter or when it has taken an early morning meal. If the dog does some things right when you are training it, you should reward it sometimes. After the puppy has completed some exercises you should give it some massages so that it may feel comfortable.
Even though dogs do not learn our language, when trained they can perceive words as signals. Yes, no, and good are the best words to start with when training a dog. Other commands such as come, sit, and heel will be learned by the dog later as it grows old. New things are loved by puppies, but even if they love to learn them, they easily get tired. You should use gentle methods, rewards, and positive language when training your dog to obey some commands. If the dog disobey a specific command when training it, you should not punish it. A dog only understand signals and not words, so it is important to use signals.