Smart Ideas: Services Revisited

By | April 2, 2017

Instagram – The Effective Marketing Platform

Marketing of product, services or any other item is an age old practice that dates back many years. There has been huge revolutions on how marketing is done year in year out. Print, visual and audio media were the main marketing platforms in the past. These methods were however overtaken after the discovery of the internet. The number of platforms on which to advertise increased due to the discovery of the internet.

Social media is one of the platforms that are internet-based. It is estimated that over fifty percent of the world population uses social media for one reason or the other. This therefore makes social media a very important platform for advertisement. Instagram which is a social media platform has particularly gained popularity. More and more people are opting for it since it supports visual imagery which adds to the message being advertised.

How can one use the Instagram effectively to achieve proper marketing of oneself or marketing of commodities and services? Effective Instagram marketing can be done using several strategies. The use of hashtags is important and it is encouraged. Interactive hashtags are ideal hence use them. An example is having hashtags that support tagging of photos from your followers. This would excite customers making them introduce their friends hence leading to more and more people noticing your product.
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Secondly, it is important to promote your products that are marketed on Instagram on other social media platforms. Pundits call this cross promoting for increased attention to a product. With your hashtags being catchy, this is an effective way to use hashtags to get likes for your product. It is also important to ensure that you do not overwhelm your fans with too many posts on the same product. Posts that are updated twice a day are ideal. If you post very regularly it can lead to boredom on customers.
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In any business environment, a customer would like to feel appreciated. Create ample interaction between you and your followers. How can this be done effectively? It is a common practice that comments are left after one sees a new product on Instagram. It is not only simple courtesy but also a marketing tool to ensure that you find time to reply. The reply also serves to motivate the person to inquire more about the product.

Business persons must be creative. To be creative on Instagram, post pictures that are creative and fun to see. It is easy to notice catchy images hence more people will end up following your hashtag. Ensure that your images do not look ordinary since they can be by-passed easily without being noticed. In conclusion, you are aware that Instagram has tools that are created within to promote interaction. Such tools could include but are not limited to business profiles and email links. Take advantage of such tools to boost the number of likes on your popular hashtags. If well used using the above given strategies, Instagram can help a business person achieve great success by promoting marketing.