Healthy Benefits of Hemp Oil that You Need to Know
The usage of hemp oil has tremendously increased over the past few years, this is due to the numerous benefits that come with using the oil. Daily dose of the hemp oil is believed to have variety of health benefits to the user. The oil has cosmetic benefit, it enhances the human skin. The oil is unique from other plant extractions, hemp oil contains the perfect balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids that are critical for optimal skin health. Besides, Hemp oil is also a great source of linoleic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid that reduces inflammation and aids in acne treatment. The hemp oil contains fats that support cellular membranes by allowing useful substances to exit or enter a cell. Moreover, if you need to have beautiful, shiny and healthy hair, you need to take weekly dose of hemp oil. The oil is also beneficial for people suffering from imbalance body hormones, the hemp oil is ideal for them since it contains omega six fatty acid and gamma-linolic acid that is useful in helping the body balance hormones. Moreover, for women, supplementing with oil can help ease premenstrual syndrome thereby reducing cramping and pain during menstruation. The oil is packed with minerals such as, iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as microelements such as arsenic, strontium, thorium, and chromium that are essential in increasing, immunity, counteract aging skin and improve cardiovascular health. Hemp oil can also Prevent Varicose Veins by thin your blood, reducing blood clots and varicose veins. Moreover, the oil is useful to patients with sclerosis.
Moreover, the oil is not only used for treating varicose veins but also used in cooking meals by providing a little nutty and crispy taste to the meal hence making the oil to be the perfect salad oil when you are out of olive oil.
Hemp oil can also be used in the production of paints as it doesn’t cause any harmful releases when washed down from the drain and has very low emissions than the petroleum paints which are currently being used. The essential fatty acids in the oil makes it useful in preventing demyelination of Nervous System. Moreover, the low carbohydrate and sugar content makes the hemp oil is a great food additive for diabetics; the nutrients present in it can help moderate blood sugar levels.
Prostate cancer patients need to avoid taking the hemp oil. Besides, people who suffer from heart diseases and take blood thinners should avoid taking the oil since it causes anti-clotting effect on the blood. When using hemp oil, you need to keep it out of reach of children since it can cause diarrhea, nausea and abdominal cramps when taken in large amount.