Tips for The Average Joe

By | July 11, 2020

Changes That Can Improve Vermont State

Our state has been facing many major challenges for many years and there is no that improvement is done to make sure we as Vermonters are having a good living condition and that we have a better future tomorrow.

Now the right time has come for change, as a Vermonter who was born here and brought in the same place I know all the challenges that have been facing this state, and if elected this are the major challenges I would advocate to make sure we have a better state to admire.

The first thing and which has been a major challenge in our land is making sure our economy has improved. We have been facing major challenges in our land where businesses have been pushed at the corner through high taxation, without the government having any urge to first of listening to the problems that we have been facing in the business sector. The cost of energy when it has been a great challenge in our state and also lack of good transparency are the major problems that are making our economy go down rather than improving.

Vermont state is one of the places that are affected more in losing employers. They have not been able to replace them with new employees due to the difficulties they are facing in the business sectors. Because the major problem the state is facing in the business sector is high taxation, tough rules, and regulations that they are supposed to follow in order to make sure their business is running and many others. it is wise to advocate for a free working area by reducing the rate of taxation and making sure that there are fair rules to be followed in the business sector. Therefore making sure that the business lowers are able to employ more workers and have good working conditions.

Vermont state is also one the leading in energy innovation. As you look at the rate of energy cost in the state it is one of highest and remembering that they work day in day out to make sure they are improving the energy sector to all the state. We all require electricity in our homes, businesses and also in our industries. As the leading state in energy innovations will make sure that the cost of energy consumption has lowered to a rate that is affordable to every person who lives in the Vermont state. Starting from a small business owner who is struggling to make their business grow to the big industries and to the homes. Through this those people who live in this state will be able to have a positive feeling of continuing to innovate in more energy and another beneficial factor.

The human state program’s services have also been a challenge. The struggling Vermonters in the state have not been able to benefit from these human services due to a lack of transparency in these programs. Yet the elected leaders do not do anything to make sure they are being improved for them to be available to all. In this area, will make sure that you have campaigned for a total change in making sure there is total transparency needed for these human services programs to be available and affordable to all in the state.

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