Companies that operate SUVs, trucks, and vans with diesel engines can save time and money by buying diesel exhaust fluid in bulk and keeping it on the lot. It is as critical as diesel fuel, can help with efficiency, and is required to keep vehicles in compliance with emissions regulations. Experienced providers, such as PEAKHD, have the special storage containers needed, and the capacity to deliver fluid at intervals that accommodate the size of the fleet. Pure fluid in the tank can be enough to last up to seven-thousand-miles, so there will be no need for drivers to remember to check it.
Management Efficiency
Keeping fluid on-hand means there is one less item for fleet managers to track and place on the inventory order. Proper storage is essential to ensure purity of fluid so getting bulk deliveries to special containers will reduce the chance of a five-gallon regular container being left outside when the distributor arrives with all that inventory. This fluid is sensitive to cold and will freeze at ten-degrees Fahrenheit ruining it completely.
Other Ways to Save Money and Time
Exhaust fluid on the lot is only one way to increase revenues by saving time and money. Software programs can be installed or used as a service to determine supply costs, maintenance schedules for each truck, and the type of accidents that occur most. Reports will show any fluctuations in supply use, prove due diligence regarding safety, and draw attention to any mistakes in invoicing or mileage per trip. Review current procedures, policies, and operating costs and look for ways to cut costs and remain competitive.
GPS Monitoring Services
Some global positioning system (GPS) devices do much more than determine the location of a truck. Monitoring services and reports can indicate speed, braking patterns, idle times, and hours off the road. The cost of such devices and comprehensive services will help with training, discovering the fastest routes, and driver compliance with protocols. Fleet managers can decide which drivers may need refresher classes, ways to increase fuel efficiency, and how to save the company money. So many costs are unpredictable, such as the pricing of fuel and insurance premiums, that help controlling costs of other operational needs is wise.